Participation PolicyΒΆ

Submission policyΒΆ

Teams must submit their solution in the form of a docker image together with a manuscript describing their solution. Teams are strongly encouraged to release their implementation and the trained models on platforms like GitHub. A reference to a public implementation in the submitted manuscript will positively impact peer review and increase the chances for an award.

Level of user interactionΒΆ

Only fully automatic algorithms are considered valid for this challenge.

Usage of additional training dataΒΆ

Non-public data is allowed if published before the winning teams' proclamation to ease reproducibility. If the data is not made public and the team reaches outstanding performance, we will award the team with a special mention.

Participation policies for members of the organizers' institutes.ΒΆ

Members of organizing institutes are allowed to participate in the challenge but are not eligible for the awards and will not be listed in the leaderboard.

Submission phasesΒΆ

We follow a three-phase submission scheme.

Refer to the instruction page for more information about submission instructions and details.

Award PolicyΒΆ

We will award the highest-ranking certificates to the winning teams for each task. The program committee will assign one best paper award per task based on algorithm performance and peer-review feedback.

NEWS! We are excited to announce that the winners of the SEG.A. challenge will be rewarded with a monetary prize! This exciting opportunity has been made possible through the generous sponsorship of 1000 Shapes. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to 1000 Shapes for their invaluable contribution to making this challenge a remarkable experience.

The prize distribution among the winners is currently under evaluation to ensure fairness and equity. Stay tuned for further updates as we will provide comprehensive information regarding the prize distribution process.